《战地风云2》失落的希望2:法国战役1940更新 2021-01-10
发布人:Eat Uranium 10.01.2020 19:00 GMT
今天,我们在新年伊始给你们展示一辆潘哈德AMD 35轮式装甲车的渲染图,这是法国人和德国人两者最爱。
AMD潘哈德 35装甲车在当时的装甲车规格基础上有了重型装甲,而装载的25mm SA 35炮可以德国坦克正面交锋。这款车配备了一个强大的V4引擎,安装在车尾下部,在公路上行驶时速可达72公里,但其线圈弹簧悬挂系统和长轴距将其在公路上的行驶时速限制在42公里/小时。像许多装甲车一样,它有一个位置在战斗隔间的后面,用来驾驶控制并能够快速撤退。
AMD 潘哈德35装甲车的生产开始于1938年,到停战时已经交付429辆,另外还有124辆半成品在等待安装炮塔。德国生产使总数达到729辆。AMD 潘哈德35装甲车是一辆做工极其精良的装甲车,它一直使用到20世纪60年代。
这次更新的FH2 AMD Panhard Mle 35模型制作者:Seth Soldier
Today we are kicking off the new year by showing off a render of the Panhard AMD 35 armoured car, a favourite of both the French and then the Germans.
In 1931 the French Cavalry issued a specification for a fast reconnaissance vehicle with long range. In 1933, four companies had submitted plans for consideration, and in October that year, Panhard was the first to have a working prototype for testing, known internally as the Type 178. It would be accepted early the next year with the provision that some changes be made, despite being considerably overweight and oversized compared to the original specifications.
The AMD 35 had heavy armour for an armoured car at the time, and the 25mm SA 35 gun was easily capable of going toe to toe with German tanks. Powered by a powerful V4 engine mounted low in the rear it could manage 72 km/h on road, though its coilspring suspension and long wheelbase limited it offroad to 42 km/h. Like many armoured cars, it had a position at the back of the fighting compartment with driving controls to allow for speedy retreats.
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