《战地风云2》失落的希望2:法国战役1940更新 2020-12-13
发布人:Eat Uranium 13.12.2020 19:00 GMT
今天是失落的希望2 十三周年前夕。
在第一次世界大战中,法国是坦克的主要使用国之一,虽德国一直未能赶上,但德国一些人仍在考虑开发一些新武器,让前线的步兵可以用来击毁敌袭的法军坦克。有两种想法当时比较切实,一种是13mm反坦克步枪,一种是可以使用现有SA 16 37mm步兵支援高速17mm炮。虽然一战结束后这种关于这些想法的实验被中止了,但后一种想法还是保留了下来。
1926年,Hotchkiss武器工厂向陆军提供了一辆装备一门25毫米反坦克炮轻便马车。直到1934年,经过广泛的试验且在德国重整军备紧张压力下,装备的这门炮才被采用并命名为SA Mle 34。它是一门非常小的便携式火炮,总重量只有490公斤,并且易于6名乘员推向各种不同位置。其中这门炮使用的25×193.5mmR的弹药威力非常强大——在1940年,这门炮发挥绝对优势,轻易地对付任何500米或更远的德国坦克。不管是否追踪器,其可靠的射击效果十分可观。但是这种轻型炮的主要缺点是特别“脆皮”——它不能以超过15公里/小时的速度拖走(否则就会损坏)。
SA Mle 34有几个衍生型号:安装在载具上的短炮管SA 35与更轻重量SA 37。总共制造了大约6000门,其中300门在1939年被用来替换战士的反坦克步枪。芬兰在冬季战争期间也订购了50门,但只有20门及时投入了战场。在续战之前,他们还会从德国购买200门。他们将继续为轴心国和自由法国服务。但到1943年左右,这些炮被弃用了,因为这些炮完全被新的装甲坦克所超越了。
这次更新的FH2 SA Mle 34模型制作者:Seth Soldier
CptBocquier制作了25mm弹药箱,并将Kraetzer’s UE转换成静态。
Seth soldier制作了7.5mm弹药盒和SA 34炮。
武器名:SA 34 25mm
Hello and welcome back to another update.
Today marks the eve of Forgotten Hope 2’s 13th birthday: version 2.0 was released on Friday 14th December 2007. Since then we have also managed to have 13 major updates, and we are still here working away at number 14 for you.
So with all of that out of the way, today we thought we’d show you yet another weapon that you will be able to use against the incoming panzers in France.
France was one of the major users of the tank in the First World War, and while the Germans never were able to catch up some thought was still put towards developing something that infantry in the front line could use to defeat attacking tanks. Two ideas would be prototyped, a 13mm anti-tank rifle and a high velocity 17mm gun that could use the mount of the existing SA 16 37mm infantry support gun. The armistice put an end to this experimenting, but the idea of a high velocity low calibre gun remained.
In 1926, Hotchkiss presented the army with a 25mm anti-tank gun on a light portable carriage. It would take until 1934 after extensive trials and the threat of German rearmament before it would be adopted as the SA 34. It was a very small and portable gun, weighing only 490 kg total, and could easily be manhandled by its 6 man crew into all sorts of unusual positions. The 25×193.5mmR ammunition was potent, and could easily deal with any German tank in 1940 out to 500 metres or more.
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